Wednesday, February 24, 2010


its really cool to me that all I want to be doing with my time is investing in my family. Whether it be our home, or making dinner together, just the thought of sitting at home and laughing with my girls is so appealing to me. It has really been a blast lately beacuase Bean is always laughing these days. It is so weird to see her grow...

I cannot see my life any other way than how it is right now, and I cannot wait to see it change and evolve as we all grow to be a better family.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I got 99 problems...

I hate the fact that we rely on money in order to "live". Without money it is hard for us to live the way we do, and with money comes more responsibility, and essentially, more shit to have around. I am dissapointed with how we have handled out money. All the financial aid funds are depleted, savings is still there though. We are now talking about getting life insurance? 401K? HOW?! I do not understand how I am supposed to be able to handle all of this!

Then it hits me...I am no longer trusting. I am putting my faith in me, and my works. It is not my works that gets us by, it is my faith in Him that gets me by. He is the Provider of our family, not me. I must continue to work hard to honor Him, for that is my purpose. He is the Great Provider, and He will care for us, like He always has. It is funny how fast I forget that once I realize that we are low on money.

We need to make a plan. No eating out (as much), no smoking (buying smokes regularly), no $100 at Target every week. These things have to be out into place. Time to bust out the envelopes!!

Lord, help my unbelief.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Productivity loves company.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Family Ties

I just had a long talk with my parents, and I must say, I dropped the ball. Although I may misunderstand others reactions I notice that I am very quick to judge them. I am not perfect, and neither is anyone else. I am very thankful for a family of parents and friends who love and accept me, my wife, and my daughter.

So Father, please help me to be humble and nor judge just like I do not want to be judged. May I be more like you...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, January 15, 2010


Time is a luxury that most people do not have enough of.  I know that I am one of those people.  I am always doing something, or so it seems.  I want to be sure that the things I am doing are honoring God, honoring my family, and honoring my fellow man/woman. 

I pray that this would be true of me, and you, and that our Father would be honored in that success.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

please pray...

Lord, please help Haiti recover from this.  Please spread Your peace and Your love over them.  You are in control of all things, and help us, in our comfort, to life them up in prayer, and they are in thier discomfort.